Sunday, May 24, 2009

Making Music in Lansing

I am in Lansing for the weekend, visiting with old friends and making new music. It was a rather last minute decision and I am really glad that I did - my old songwriting partner and I are getting set to create a fair bit of new music together, for the first time in nearly a decade.

It's really great to reconnect musically - both of us have grown quite a bit musically. At the same time, what we have fooled around with is very recognizably us - just us a little more grown up. We have little idea what we'll do with it, but I'm really excited to be making music with Larry again...

But tonight will be the D&D game, set in a world of Larry's own creation. I an not generally a huge fan of role playing games. Not that I'm not enough of a geek, I just generally don't like the rules and the way most people play. But Larry's game is a great deal of fun. And while there are certainly rules - strict rules even, it's his game, set in his world and if there is a compelling enough reason for changing a rule or making an exception - he does it. All that, and his theatrics make it rather more fun than games I have played with anyone else...

Not sure when I am heading back home, excepting that I need to head that way by tomorrow evening. My schedule is pretty open, which has worked out well. I just spent the last couple hours chatting with my very dear old friend Merril, who I was, back when I was using a lot of hallucinogens, convinced was god. He was rather frustrated by the fact that I would mention this to whomever I was with, whenever I saw him.

All in all, this has been a very enjoyable weekend.


Juniper Shoemaker said...

I forgot to thank you for finding the time amidst all this merriment to call me multiple times. :) It is so good to hear you heartily enjoying yourself.

DuWayne Brayton said...

I love talking to you - other things are just a distraction from that...It isn't hart to "find the time."