Friday, May 29, 2009

I have been so remiss...

I am really depressed at the moment, but I'm working on a post - a post about sex even. Because Sci didn't write about Teh Sex today, I feel compelled...Ok, it actually has nothing to do with Sci not giving us more weird science that involves Teh Sex and everything to do with something written by possibly the very best skeptic blogger ever and the inspiration for this post...

I am such a bad, bad blogger. I realized as I was compiling the list of extra fun Godwins, that I never linked Greta Christina in my sidebar. I don't often wander over, because I am super sporadic about my blog reading - so many great blogs, so little time. But Greta fucking rocks - hardcore. She's fucking brilliant, eloquent and she has absolutely no problem writing about anydamnedthing she wants. She is absolutely unrelenting in her hammering of irrational nonsense, yet she does so with obvious compassion and empathy for the society around her.

It's that last bit that really makes her one of my very favorite bloggers. That, and she writes about sex with - well, obvious compassion and empathy for the society around her. She even edited a book that I am really looking forward to checking out, when I can actually afford to buy books for pleasure reading and can afford the time for pleasure reading. I am not so much interested in reading it because I pay for sex, but because I am a very strong advocate for sex workers rights (which reminds me that I have some serious maintenance to deal with around here).

The post I am working on, which I will get up tomorrow, was inspired by this rather interesting discussion...

And since I'm writing about other bloggers, I should like to note that DanJ, who comments here and there and a few other places, has a shiny new blog of his own. So shiny and new, it doesn't even have a fucking theme yet - so when you check him out, mock him for not having a theme. Also note, that he has a giant fucking spider, pictured up top (at the time of this posting). Don't be alarmed and don't feel compelled to run to the gun vault - it's only a picture. A picture of a Huge Fucking Spider That Needs Shooting!!!

1 comment:

Dan J said...

Yeah, but I'm really anal about code validation and SEO (like it really matters for my blog?). I think it's a web-developer-with-ADD-thing.

I gotta admit though, if the spider on my ceiling had been one of those orb-weavers from that page, the photo I took would have been of me wiping the guts off of the ceiling.