Tuesday, July 7, 2009

I love to be loved...

Not sure exactly who is sending it - it may even be the company that makes them, but I am extremely grateful to whoever decided that I should have the newer generation e-cigarette. I got an email from the company a couple days ago, confirming the order to my address. Kind of freaked at first, because the order is for the E9 with several cartridges - an order totaling about $100 including shipping, thinking there was a mistake that I was going to get charged for.

There wasn't. I emailed them and was simply told that it was not charged to my account. They didn't say that they actually sent it, but given the language issues and that they use a third party for "help" questions, that doesn't rule it out. And I had mentioned to them that I have been writing about their E9m, which is a very different model, they may have decided they wanted me to write about the new generation nicotine vaporizer.

In any case, I will have the opportunity to write about the E9 within the week.

But if one of my readers decided I should have one, I would like to say thank you ever so much. And just in case anyone was wondering, I really love books. I am all about the books really. Especially books by people who want to send them to me and find out what I think about their books. In fact, if anyone sends me their book to review - I would be all about reading and reviewing it.

I almost forgot to give an update on the smoking, while I am on the topic...

I am still smoking, having steadied at about 3-5 cigarettes a day, sometimes only two. I had a couple of days that went to six, but have been doing less far more than more. I do seem rather stuck on the last few, but that is far better (and cheaper) than the average of 20+ I was on before. Mine does seem to be a common experience with the e-cig, though there are plenty of folks who manage to quit tobacco altogether rather quickly.


Anonymous said...

As someone who has never smoked anything in my life (my asthma-ridden lungs would revolt and go find another home), that e-cig seems totally geeky and awesome! Almost seems worth taking up smoking to have a cool gadget like that. I love gadgets. I've always been jealous of my wife's blood glucose meter. Did you know they make bluetooth ones that can sync to your iPhone?!?

*must control gadget lust*

Congrats on cutting down. I have only the smallest inkling of how difficult it must be.

DuWayne Brayton said...

Hah! To totally make it worse, you should note that it actually charges by USB. And they make models that are entirely powered by USB...

Jason Thibeault said...

Hey. Do those cartridges by necessity have to be filled by the company, or could these be used to vaporize other substances? My need to mod things and my recently-piqued interest in vaporizers (from a few threads back) has me on a particular train of thought, that I'm sure you could guess.

Dan J said...

I've been smoking for about 14 years. I was smoke-free for about a year and a half somewhere in the middle, but started up again. I used to smoke clove cigarettes, but switched to menthol several years ago. Before the prices bankrupt me, and before it really starts to adversely affect my health, I need to quit. When I do (and it should be soon) it's going to be cold turkey, just like I did before. I didn't get headaches or shakes. I didn't put on weight.

One of these days when my blogging gets more interest from the rest of the world maybe I can get some free goodies too. Books are a good angle. I love books too.

For Jason: You might take a look at New, Updated, Comprehensive Intro to Vaping! over at the e-cigarette forum.

DuWayne Brayton said...

Hey Jason - the one that I currently use is totally refillable. I actually bought it for that factor. The problem with what I imagine you would like to use it for, is that without modification it would take quite a bit of oil to function properly - i.e. a whole lot of waste. Which for hash oil (or whatever you're talking about) would get rather pricy. I imagine that it would be possible to fill the void, but under the best of circumstances, it would not be terribly efficient.

That said, I will think on it, experiment a little bit (not with hash oil - I have plenty of nicotine liquid) and get back to you. It would certainly be a reasonably low priced route for a vaporizer - the one that I use runs about $36 U.S., comes with two batteries and a charger. You would definitely want to order empty cartridges and I would recommend ordering a few extra atomizers - $.85 & $8.65 respectively. I would think that one package of cartridges (5) would get you a long ways - the atomizers vary in survival time, but having two extra should get you quite a long while. Best to order as much as possible, because there is a roughly $15 shipping and handling fee to the U.S. - not sure about fucking Canada. For that matter, you should look to see that they can even ship to Canada...Or I will.

Finally, if you decide to get one, order it through the link in my sidebar - I get a small cut and that will help support my supplies...

Juniper Shoemaker said...

I am still smoking, having steadied at about 3-5 cigarettes a day, sometimes only two.

You've been doing well. It really is astonishing that you were smoking the equivalent of a pack a day+ a mere three months ago.

Jason Thibeault said...

At this point, it was more idle curiosity than anything. My life priorities are in a different place now, though should they get reshuffled, this seems like an inexpensive and harmless experiment (and either way, a good geek toy).