Friday, March 27, 2009

Talked to the Eldest's Therapist - really not happy...

I have but a moment, need coffee and gotta head to see the therapist. But I just got to talk to my eldest's therapist and wanted to rant just a little more.

Amy is not at all keen on talking to me, even about the boys. So I just found out that he has officially been diagnosed bipolar and the drug they have him on is Abilify. Please keep in mind that my eldest is seven years old. Seven. On a psychotropic and with a diagnosis that will follow him for the rest of his life.


Juniper Shoemaker said...

I didn't even know you could put children on Abilify. To me, that sounds like the most worrisome part.

DuWayne Brayton said...

I will be discussing it with the Dr. this afternoon. The thing that gets me here, is that it is FDA approved for children ten and over for bipolar, approval of which only happened last year. Yet I have been doing searches on it and found people with children as young as four and a half put on it as early as '05.

And the warning that goes with it is along the lines of being rather dangerous for children with depression issues.

I'm also going to email some bloggers about it...

Beth said...

Can't this event be grounds for emergency custody?

leigh said...

wow... as someone who studies ontogeny, it makes me cringe to read in the clinical pharmacology that pediatric maintenance efficacy "data can be extrapolated" from adults...

Comrade PhysioProf said...

Dude, I am hoping that things work out ok for you and your boys.