Sunday, March 1, 2009

In Lansing/East Lansing, to see Richard Dawkins

So I came into town yesterday, to see a friend in a play and spend time with old friends and play a little music. Today will be much of the same, while tomorrow will involve less visiting for fun and more substantive discussion. I'll be meeting with someone I've been interacting with online, about addiction. Then tomorrow evening, I get to see Richard Dawkins at the Wharton Center at MSU.

I am on spring break, but it looks like a fairly packed week for me. I have some time in a friend's woods with a chainsaw lined up, three books to read and a small paper to write, as well as getting the preliminary biblio and my thesis/research questions ready for my gender paper. I am hoping to get the intro and initial outline done as well - we'll see. But I am definitely get a post about our soon to be drug czar up, as well as another addiction post and a gender post. My mind's something of a whirl at the moment and wanting to get some informal writing in this week. I do enjoy the papers, but the style and formality of academic papers is fairly restrictive.


Daisy Deadhead said...

Were lots of people saved at the altar call?

Oh, whoops, got Dawkins confused with all those other preachers out on Mission Trips.

They're all so much alike, with all that freaking evangelism and utter certainty!

DuWayne Brayton said...

Umm Daisy? I'm not even going to see him until tomorrow night. And as far as I know, the topic is not religion, it's science.

But please, feel free to drop all the bullshit you like here. Because I really don't care whether there is a substantive, topical point - really.

I don't care if you want to disagree with me, I welcome it. But please disagree with things that I say, not what you think I might be thinking. Otherwise I will probably not be interested in welcoming you here.